Search found 679 matches

by therube
03 Feb 2025, 17:55
Forum: Obecná diskuze
Topic: Možnosti rýchleho výberu súborov podľa čísel?
Replies: 6
Views: 4305

Re: Možnosti rýchleho výberu súborov podľa čísel?

What are you looking to do with said files? Do you need to use Salamander? For finding files, there is noting better then Everything . (Better yet is, Everything 1.5 Alpha .) regex:nature\d\d\d\d regex:nature000\d, heh, & with that, I'm kind of drawing a blank on how to use regex over a range of...
by therube
12 Nov 2024, 18:26
Forum: Návrhy na zlepšení
Topic: Hledání - logické operátory pro vyhledávaná slova
Replies: 6
Views: 14264

Re: Hledání - logické operátory pro vyhledávaná slova

You're looking for file names (rather then contents within the files) that meet your criteria? (Everything [1.5] can also search contents.) There is nothing better then, Everything for finding files. (Even better is, Everything 1.5 Alpha .) foo bar -> find foo AND bar foo bar -> find foo AND bar foo...
by therube
13 Sep 2024, 16:51
Forum: Problems and Troubleshooting
Topic: Big icon
Replies: 1
Views: 1746

Re: Big icon

(No way within the program.
And no way that I am aware of otherwise.

Suppose you could try hacking things with something like, Resource Hacker, but I'd suspect doing so would end up breaking things?)
by therube
05 Jul 2024, 17:54
Forum: Návrhy na zlepšení
Topic: Auto vymazanie neplatných položiek histórie?
Replies: 4
Views: 6717

Re: Auto vymazanie neplatných položiek histórie?

What do you mean, "broken path"? Are you saying that: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Altap\Altap Salamander 4.0\Plugins Configuration\Renamer] is not correct? That is a Windows Registry " path ", & has nothing to do with what is stored in files/directories on disk. --- Co myslíš...
by therube
10 May 2024, 20:54
Forum: Návrhy na zlepšení
Topic: Prehliadac textových súborov s automatickým skopírovaním riadku do schránky
Replies: 2
Views: 3531

Re: Prehliadac textových súborov s automatickým skopírovaním riadku do schránky

I am NOT familiar with it, but - AutoClipX
(Later versions supposedly are shareware, but cannot be licensed.)

Does NOT seem to work in (Salamander) F3 (nor Vim), that I can tell.

Does work in Notepad / Wordpad (& I'll expect others?).
by therube
11 Jan 2024, 17:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Open Salamander on GitHub
Replies: 10
Views: 95708

Re: Open Salamander on GitHub

I am far more in tune with forums rather then "git". (Not to mention that "git" discriminates against browsers, like my browser, SeaMonkey ;-), often relying on chrome-ism.) As far as duplicating threads, I don't think that makes sense. Though if someone comments in one place or ...
by therube
11 Jan 2024, 17:34
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Open Salamander on GitHub
Replies: 10
Views: 95708

Re: Open Salamander on GitHub

e.g. after a crash like it happens when viewing a CSV file
If you have not updated, a fix is here: Crash on viewing a CSV file.
by therube
11 Jan 2024, 17:29
Forum: Problems and Troubleshooting
Topic: Error on opening some ZIP-files
Replies: 4
Views: 65787

Re: Error on opening some ZIP-files

A zip using PPMd compression algorithm.
factor (test file, ZIP, PPMd compression method).zip
(467.66 KiB) Downloaded 746 times

(7-Zip will open said file.)
by therube
04 Dec 2023, 18:19
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Open Salamander on GitHub
Replies: 10
Views: 95708

Re: Open Salamander on GitHub


Windows 10 or newer
Ouch (as said by Win7 ;-) - though that is for "Development" [where hopefully a Release will still support 7].).
by therube
09 Oct 2023, 17:11
Forum: Návrhy na zlepšení
Topic: Kontrolný súčet a súbory s rovnakým názvom?
Replies: 6
Views: 17622

Re: Kontrolný súčet a súbory s rovnakým názvom?

Zaujímavá dilema. Vytvárate kontrolné súčty pre jednotlivé súbory. Ak by ste vytvorili kontrolný súčet sád súborov, povedzme vlc* alebo vlc-3.0.19*, alebo celý adresár, potom (individuálny) súbor .sha256 by mal kontrolné súčty oboch vašich súborov (alebo vybraných súborov, resp. celý adresár). --- I...
by therube
05 Oct 2023, 19:57
Forum: Problémy a jejich řešení
Topic: Děravý WinRAR plugin?
Replies: 15
Views: 53921

Re: Děravý WinRAR plugin?

WinRAR Version 6.24 is released (along with an update to UnRAR), & this (exploit) is mentioned.
So if you updated the .dll before (it was v6.23 at the time), you might want to do it, again.

(And test, to make sure you're not running into issues ;-).)
by therube
18 Sep 2023, 20:33
Forum: Problems and Troubleshooting
Topic: User Menu - CALL Command: $(ListOfSelectedNames)
Replies: 1
Views: 7881

Re: User Menu - CALL Command: $(ListOfSelectedNames)

And that said, heh... If you uncheck, the 'Execute through shell' option, that might suffice for a GUI program. Command: "C:\DEV\Locate\ Everything.exe " Arguments: -rename $(ListOfSelectedNames) (in order to rename said file names) Command: "C:\DEV\Locate\Everything.exe" Argumen...
by therube
18 Sep 2023, 20:16
Forum: Problems and Troubleshooting
Topic: User Menu - CALL Command: $(ListOfSelectedNames)
Replies: 1
Views: 7881

User Menu - CALL Command: $(ListOfSelectedNames)

User Menu - CALL Command: $(ListOfSelectedNames) & ^ character Just to point out... User Menu -> Command: ECHO && PAUSE Arguments: $(ListOfSelectedNames) listofselectedname = 123456, 123^456, 123^^456 Shell: C:\>call ECHO && PAUSE 123456 123456 123^456 ECHO is on. Press any key t...
by therube
06 Sep 2023, 20:26
Forum: Problems and Troubleshooting
Topic: 7-zip archive crashes Salamander
Replies: 2
Views: 8311

Re: 7-zip archive crashes Salamander

Replacing 7za.dll with & still crashing (with -si created archive).