The Use of TeraCopy for Altap Salamander is rather small, because the variable [*]Source doesn't works with salamander. But the use with Total Commander is optimal, because the selected source -> *Source: Path to filelist
I will move this thread to feature requests section.
Salamander should support exporting list of selected names into the temp file for User Menu commands.
(As it does in Options > Configuration > Packers in Pack Dialog Box.)
vld wrote:Are /Close /OverwriteOlder the only arguments you have for both copy & move? the TeraCpy window supposed to open when the process is complete?
Yes, the problem is that TeraCopy will open for each selected file or directory a new instance with the arguments [copy "$(Fullname)" "$(FullPathInactive)"]. If you select 100 files you will get 100 TeraCopy instances. I would suggest to use TeraCopy only for some large files or a large directory with subdirectories. If you select a directory TeroCopy will copy all files and his subdirectrories in one instance.
The use of TeraCopy for Altap Salamander is small because Altap Salamander doesn't supports the needed function of TeraCopy (*Source: Path to filelist). I think it's possible to write a batch file which could solve this problem.
Here is a gimmick for TeraCopy!
- First create a new entry in User Menu TeraCopy(filelist):
I downloaded the portable Teracopy, extracted it and put Teracopy.exe and portable in a Teracopy folder within the plugin folder. I added Teracopy to the UserMenu with these options:
Command: C:\Program Files\Altap Salamander 2.52\plugins\TeraCopy\TeraCopy.exe
Arguments: copy "$(Fullname)" "$(FullPathInactive)" /Close /OverwriteOlder
Initial Directory: $(FullPath)
Show Item in UserMenu Bar checked
I then select 4 folder with files and chose to copy. Yes thomas, multiple windows do open, but they are waiting for the previous to finish before the next one starts....I think that is fine, unless I'm missing something.
I'm been using TeraCopy with my above configuration (thanks to thomas for the suggestions) and I like how it works. I like the idea of multiple windows opening so you can see the status of each file and the active window closes once it is finished and the one of the windows waiting then become active. I am using TeraCopy for big files only, but I am sure it would work perfect with smaller files.