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Changes to environment on RDC reconnect

Posted: 14 Dec 2012, 15:44
by wqw

I have this weird problem with x86 Salamander on x64 servers when using Remote Desktop -- when I leave Salamander running and disconnect from server and later reconnect is seems like some variables from salamand.exe environment are mysteriously deleted. Here is a screenshot of the diff of "c:>set > out.txt" from shell spawned from Salamander (Ctrl+/)


The troubles is that x86 ADO/OLE DB dll (for data access) are registered with %CommonProgramFiles(x86)%\System\ado\msado15.dll in InprocServer keys (weird decision on part of Microsoft) so most of our database management scripts fail spectacularly if run from Slamander spawned shell.

This is reproducable on 2.54 (and previous) and latest x86 3.0 Beta1. Note that x64 does not exhibit same behavior, so it somewhat alleviates the pain now.


Re: Changes to environment on RDC reconnect

Posted: 14 Dec 2012, 16:36
by therube
Is this a new occurrence?
(I could be totally off, but seem to recall an optional RDC change in the latest patch Tuesday updates?)

Re: Changes to environment on RDC reconnect

Posted: 14 Dec 2012, 16:59
by mdruiter
That's it! Me too! I've been having the problem for some years. Suspected Salamander after RDC, but never knew it was environment variables on x64.
As said, 2.54 has the issue as well.
Would be great if this could be fixed in 3.0, now that it's reproducible.

Re: Changes to environment on RDC reconnect

Posted: 15 Dec 2012, 14:54
by Jan Rysavy
The problem is not related to Remote Desktop. You can reproduce it just with changing Windows environment variables (x86 Salamander on x64 Windows 7).

Salamander is monitoring environment variables changes and trying to reload new variables (we love this feature).
There is some problem in the reloading function. Thank you for reporting it, we will try to find some solution.

Re: Changes to environment on RDC reconnect

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 22:35
by Jan Rysavy

Re: Changes to environment on RDC reconnect

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 09:25
by nordman
Have this issue in 2.54, too.
After some time env var "CommonProgramFiles(x86)" disapeared in a shell created by salamander. This is somehow anoying, since tools started therein do not work after that at all.
I have to
- restart Salamander
- restart shell
- restart tool(s)
until it happens again...
Is there any workaround in 2.54?
Maybe switching off the feature of automatically reloading env vars?

Re: Changes to environment on RDC reconnect

Posted: 19 Apr 2014, 19:24
by Jan Rysavy
This problem is fixed in Altap Salamander 3.0. We don't plan to support version 2.54, please switch to 3.0.

Related problem: