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Text inputs with history - preserve the current name

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 12:43
by Slanec
I guess the topic name isn't really explanatory, so here's the deal:
1) Pick a file or directory, press F2 (or invoke any other text input that remembers recent inputs)
2) (optional) Start editing the name, write something, delete something else...
3) Press a down arrow (or PageDown accidentally when trying to press End :x ) - the last used entry appears
4) Try to get back the original name of file (or semi-edited name) by pressing Up.
5) Cry as nothing happens. :cry:

Could those things remember also the original line that we escape from at the first time we press Down?

Re: Text inputs with history - preserve the current name

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 01:22
by Ether
Unfortunately, this is a problem throughout the whole Windows UI. Maybe the inputs could be hacked into remembering the original value in the editing history (Ctrl+Z then would help :)).