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Extended focus background: would you use it?

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 17:03
by Jan Rysavy
New Options > Configuration > Appearance > Extended focus background mode.
Could be turned on/off.
Background color can be configured.
Detailed mode only.
Full Row Select must be turned off.

This mode should solve two problems:
-Size/Date/Time/Attr/etc columns could be too far from the Name column, that it's hard to recognise the focused row.
-When panel is scrolled to the right side (Name column isn't visible), you can still recognise focused row.


Distinguishable focused item when the panel is scrolled:

Standard Drag & Drop behaviour as you know it from Windows Explorer (no Full Row Select mode problems):

Re: Extended focus background: would you use it?

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 23:30
by JohnFredC
I'm not really clear about how this would work so haven't voted yet.

Drawing the marque to select is desireable, and having the full row background color set in that mode is also desireable.

But is it right to conclude that "full row select" would no longer work in this new mode? I don't think I'd want to do without that...
Jan Rysavy wrote:When panel is scrolled to the right side (Name column isn't visible), you can still recognise focused row.
Yet another reason to implement the "fixed columns" mode I requested (somewhat long-windedly, sorry) in bullet #2 here:

Re: Extended focus background: would you use it?

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 07:05
by Jan Rysavy
JohnFredC wrote:But is it right to conclude that "full row select" would no longer work in this new mode? I don't think I'd want to do without that...
Yes, the Full Row Select mode must be turned off.
"Extended focus background" mode behaves like default SS panel with Full Row Select mode turned off.
The only difference is a special background color (helper) behind the focus.
JohnFredC wrote:Yet another reason to implement the "fixed columns" mode I requested (somewhat long-windedly, sorry) in bullet #2 here:
Nice idea (I like it), but rather difficult to implement in SS.
This "Extended focus background" mode is a trivial patch (so we can incorporate it in 2.5).

Re: Extended focus background: would you use it?

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 16:07
Jan Rysavy wrote:New Options > Configuration > Appearance > Extended focus background mode.
Very fine, Jan! A MUST HAVE for me!!!
Full Row Select mode
My most unpopular "feature"... :roll:

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 18:39
by Stefan
I thought i need and have "Full row selected" enabled :(
But i didn't.
I am just tested this behaviour....

Since i want "Drawing the marque to select" files as usual
i would have disable "Full row selected" always anyway.

So "Extended focus background" mode is very welcome :D

I understand "Extended focus background" as addition for "focused item"
in opposite of the colored background of "selected" items.

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 19:06
by Jan Rysavy
Stefan wrote:I understand "Extended focus background" as addition for "focused item" in opposite of the colored background of "selected" items.

Posted: 13 Mar 2006, 20:50
by omega
I only see 1 item distinguished even when you focus more items in the screenshot. Is it not better to highlight all focused items?

Posted: 20 Mar 2006, 00:02
by .me
i'd rater buy a bigger display and use [full row select] :)
...but on a 17inch screen i would use it.