Synchronised browsing

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Synchronised browsing

Post by CMIL »

If you are browsing your own computer on the left and a remote computer on the right, and synchronising files between them, it would make sense to also synchronise the browsing. When you change folder on the left (and synchronisation is on) the folder on the right should do the same (if possible).
If you go up a folder on the left, that's easy: go up a folder on the right. If you go into a folder on the left, and the folder exists on the right, then also go into that folder on the right.
Currently, I spend hours navigating to a folder on my computer, then doing exactly the same thing on the remote computer, in order to update files. This would save me a lot of time! I haven't found this (seemingly obvious) feature in any dual-view file navigators.
Thank you.
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Re: Synchronised browsing

Post by SelfMan »

There are many dedicated apps for file sync operation. A lot of them are free. Like the SyncFolder App

Other than that, you can always get the Altap Salamander SDK and create your own automation plugin which you can integrate with the Command > Compare directories function.
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Re: Synchronised browsing

Post by therube »

You can use Everything to find directories (& files...).
You can assign hotkeys to actions, such as Copy Path. (I happen to use F5 for that.)
Once the path is copied in clipboard, you can "paste" (Shift+INS or Ctrl+V) that into Salamander, & Salamander will jump to that directory.

Not automated, not all that efficient, but it certainly works.

(Now for that, you would need to index your remote end.)

There is also (Everything), JumpToFolder - Use the power of Everything in File Managers and File dialogs.
(I'm not familiar with it, as doing what I've mentioned above suffices for me.)
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