Salamander should provide at least the functionalaty available in Windows-Explorer

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Salamander should provide at least the functionalaty available in Windows-Explorer

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I have several collegs they deny using Salamander because the are not willing to lose known features.
Most importend: (i) Renaming multiple files by selecting. (ii) Undo feature by Ctr-Z.
addicted salamander user since 2000.
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Re: Salamander should provide at least the functionalaty available in Windows-Explorer

Post by SelfMan »

You have to explain what do you mean by "Renaming multiple files by selecting".
In Salamander you can rename na file:
- by using F2 function key
- inline, by single click on a selected file
- via Move/Rename dialog F6
and for more advanced renaming, you can use the Batch Renames plugin (CTRL+Shift+R), where you can edit the file names like text in notepad.
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