Place to discuss language translations of Altap Salamander and plugins. We welcome any suggestions or reviews that will help to improve existing translations.
Forum rules
Feel free to discuss language translations in your native language.
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Hi, guys
You do a great job. I'm sure that SS will be best file manager after adding Unicode Support .
But I have another question: I wanna see SS on ukrainian, is it possible?
Next message if you don't plan to add ukrainian translation.
I've started manual translation of english.slg into Ukrainian - how can I make my translation official (oh, and is it possible at all)?
Last edited by Jan Rysavy on 31 May 2010, 17:27, edited 1 time in total.
Reason:Updated subject
Please send me (petr.solin at email, I'll add you to the list of translators. We have not finished software for translation of Servant Salamander yet, so please wait with translating - you risk that your work will not be usable for the final version. We'll contact all translators when this software is ready.
Hello! it's 2023 and I'd like to ask if any Ukrainian translation is available...
I"ve seen above (very) old messages on update/translation status so I'd like to firstly understand if job is done or it should be re-done from scratch...