Making file list of subdirectories

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Making file list of subdirectories

Post by zxspectrum »

Listen,sorry for posting without reading the rest of this forum,maybe someone else suggested this,but i'm in a hurry,and i think if i'm not doing it now,maybe i will never do.So,as you guess,my suggestion is to implement some function to make file list including the subdirectories,like dir/b/s>filename.txt which i'm currently using.Maybe this is already possible,but i didn't find it.if so,pls someone tell me how can i do this.
Thx alot,and sorry again for not searching the forum,maybe the answer is there.
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Post by SvA »

I do not know of any option which does exactly the equivalent of dir/s/b.
But something which comes close is to add a custom 'packer'.

In the Packers in Pack Dialog add a new line. Name it e.g. DirList.
Pack with: External program
Default extension: lst
Command: cmd
Arguments: /c for /F "delims=" %f in ($(ListDOSFullName)) do (echo %~dpnxf >>"$(ArchiveFullName)")
Pack to archive and then delete from disk: unchecked
Support long names: checked
Need list of files in ANSI charset: checked

The only drawback of this approach is the lack of individual sorting. You'll have to live with whathever Salamander provides.
You could of course create a script and and rework the list of files to be 'archived' as you please. The for loop given here expands the relative paths to absolute ones. If you prefere relative ones you can just copy $(ListDOSFullName).
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