The context menu sometimes stops working

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The context menu sometimes stops working

Post by ethelbertmagnus »

Common Stains And How To Remove Them From Vinyl Flooring

In many aspects, vinyl is among the best materials you can choose for your residential flooring. It is cheap, water-resistant, durable, and available in a wide variety of patterns and colors. You can pick a product that mimics the look and feel of your dream flooring.

But as soon as you accidentally drop some spills on vinyl flooring, you may discover one of its biggest weaknesses. This is a porous material, which means vinyl tends to absorb a lot of liquid and other materials. This property can make scuffs or spills a huge problem and cause tough stains that aren't easy to remove, even with the best mop for Vinyl floors. This is true especially when you don't deal with them quickly.

Don't lose hope - however, There are always some things you can do to get rid of tough stains from your vinyl flooring. Here are two common stain types and what remedies can work.

Food Stains

In the kitchen or dining room, occasional dropped cups or missed bites are totally expected. Most of them shouldn't worry us much. However, things like red wine or tomato sauce can give you a nasty stain if you aren't aware of the best methods of removing them.

When food stains happen on your vinyl floor, make a bucket of diluted bleach with a ratio of one bleach and four water. Wet a clean cloth in it and place the soaked cloth on top of the food stain.

Leave it there for a house so the bleach solution can make its way into the stain and do its job. The bleach will lighten the area, which you should then clean with water to remove excess bleach. Clean it another time with the best floor mop for Vinyl to finish the job.


Made mostly of PVC, vinyl is prone to oxidation. As a result, the normal airflow in your house, which contains a lot of oxygen, can cause rust on your vinyl flooring.

If you notice some rust stains, spread some baking soda over them. Soak a rag into vinegar and use it to scrub the stains and baking soda. This scrubbing action can loosen the rust without introducing more toxic chemicals into your living environment or damaging the vinyl flooring.

That said, you can opt for chemical cleaners as well. They can also work wonders with rust stains on vinyl flooring. They are very effective and can make rust removal a breeze for you.

Combine your favorite floor cleaner or rust remover with some oxalic acid, which you can find in wood bleach. Don't choose chlorinated cleaners. Products designed for removing rust or cleaning vinyl are an ideal choice.

Spray some oxalic acid solution on the stained area first and sprinkle the cleaner later. Cover the rusty area with a bowl and let the solution sit there for around a house.

When the time is up, open the room's windows and doors and then remove the bowl. Make sure the room has good ventilation because the strong fumes produced by the acid and cleaner can affect you. Use clean water to wash away the mixture from your vinyl flooring.

Find More Information:

Best Mop for Vinyl Floors: Buying Guide and TOP Suggestions

Best Mop for Vinyl Floors: TOP Options for Long-Lasting Flooring


Deal with stains as soon as possible by using the proven methods above. Don't let them sit there, or you may have to remove and replace your flooring covering. To get the best tool, follow this: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Best Mop for Vinyl plank Floors.
Last edited by ethelbertmagnus on 29 Nov 2023, 08:14, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The context menu sometimes stops working

Post by SelfMan »

First of all I suggest you upgrade to Salamander 4.0
Then download ShellExView from nirsoft
Try to disable non-microsoft shell extensions and test it.
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Re: The context menu sometimes stops working

Post by therube »

(I just ran into an issue with FastCopy's context menu item interfering here [& elsewhere].
Part of the issue may have been my own doing. Still testing, I'll see how it goes...
[I'm on Win7, so I have no issues with updates.])
WinXP Pro SP3 or Win7 x86 | SS 2.54
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Re: The context menu sometimes stops working

Post by SelfMan »

Yeah, even the signature of yours is old 😁
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